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Steadfast Nutrition Wellness Vitamin D3 (90 Capsules)

Steadfast Nutrition Wellness Vitamin D3 (90 Capsules)

  • ₹900

About Steadfast Nutrition Wellness Vitamin D3 (90 Capsules)

Vitamin D3 or Cholecalciferol is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus and facilitates normal immune system function. Taking an adequate amount of Vitamin D is crucial for healthy bones and teeth. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to weak bones and skeletal deformities. Popularly called the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’, Vitamin D3 is made by our skin after exposure to sunlight. Indoor lifestyles in urban areas in India are leading to inadequate exposure to sunlight. Studies have shown between 40-90% of the Indian urban population is deficient in vitamin D. Therefore, anyone who has inadequate exposure to sunlight should consider taking Vitamin D3 supplements.


Naturally, Vitamin D3 is present in very few foods and is essentially required by our body for the normal mineralisation of our bones. Though it is found in some foods like fish, liver, egg, milk, and fortified products, it’s sunlight that is an abundant source of Vitamin D3. Since limited dietary sources contain vitamin D3, opting for a supplement can be a wise option for maintaining good health and preventing its deficiency.

Taking an adequate amount of Vitamin D is crucial for healthy bones and teeth. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to weak bones and skeletal deformities. Popularly called the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’, Vitamin D3 is made by our skin after exposure to sunlight. Indoor lifestyles in urban areas in India are leading to inadequate exposure to sunlight. Studies have shown between 40-90% of the Indian urban population is deficient in vitamin D. Therefore, anyone who has inadequate exposure to sunlight should consider taking Vitamin D3 supplements.


1. Assists in Calcium Absorption: Vitamin D3 and calcium are co-related in terms of their absorption. Whenever serum calcium level falls in our body, it results in increased conversion of vitamin D3 to its activated form to absorb calcium. If there is no calcium intake in our diet, then as soon as serum calcium level falls, it will provoke calcium absorption from our bones, depleting bone calcium stock to maintain blood levels. This eventually will result in weak bones, making them prone to fractures.

If our calcium intake is appropriate but vitamin D3 is lacking in our diet, then also there will be no absorption of calcium, leading to weak bones and osteoporosis.

2. Helps Prevent Bone Demineralisation: To maintain bone density, we need certain nutrients like calcium, vitamin D3, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. Approximately 80% of the phosphorous in our body is found in our bones and teeth. Activated vitamin D3 not only results in the absorption of calcium in our body, but it also absorbs phosphorus. Thus, to maintain the mineral content of our bones and teeth, we need vitamin D3 supplement.

3. Regulates Immune System: Our immune system has special types of cells called T-cells which are referred to as killer cells of the body. They protect us from foreign bodies as they are perfect in differentiating between outside invaders and “self cells”. Vitamin D3 strengthens our immune system by regulating these T-cells. As soon as they sense the presence of any foreign pathogens, In the presence of vitamin D3, “naive” T-cells get transitioned into active killer T-cells. Hence, vitamin D3 supplement protects our body from infections and boosts immunity.

4. Reduces the risk of Cardiovascular diseases: Many research studies have associated a deficiency of vitamin D3 with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and related causative factors. Vitamin D3 gets converted into its activated form in the presence of certain receptors and 1-alpha-hydroxylase. It has been shown that 1-alpha-hydroxylase is produced by various cells including cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells). So to have a healthy heart, vitamin D3 intake is also a crucial factor.

5. Protects Kidney Function: Prolonged vitamin D3 deficiency has been shown to result in chronic kidney disease. Healthy kidneys are rich in vitamin D3 receptors which help the conversion to an activated form. In vitamin D3 deficiency, the Parathyroid gland is unable to sense that there is enough calcium and phosphorus in our blood, which results in over secretion of parathyroid hormone. This malfunction will drain excess calcium from our bones resulting in weak and fragile bones.

6. Improves Sleep Quality: Vitamin D3 supplement also helps in maintaining healthy sleep and preventing mood disorders. Several studies have found a significant association between lack of vitamin D3 and sleep disorders like insomnia and daylight sleepiness. The underlying reason could be due to Melatonin, which is known to affect sleep patterns and also holds a key role in the synthesis of the first form of vitamin D3.

7. Beneficial for Cognitive Functioning: Low vitamin D3 levels are associated with various psychiatric conditions, mood fluctuations, and depression. This is because vitamin D3 regulates the enzyme that converts amino acid tryptophan to serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects our mood and brain development. Hence, optimum levels of vitamin D3 are needed for an active and relaxed mind.

8. Muscle Strength: A study conducted in California stated that low or deficit vitamin D3 levels lead to fatty skeletal muscles. Fitness freaks or athletes who are looking to gain lean mass and reduce body fat percentage should ensure that they have an optimum intake of vitamin D3 so to get an additional kick in achieving their fitness goals.


Gelatin (428)-Animal Origin (Capsule Shell), Emulsifying and stabilising agents (INS 322 & INS 422), Preservatives (INS 216 & INS 218), Antioxidant (INS 320) & Purified water.


Serving Size - 1Capsule
No. of Servings - 90 Capsules
EACH SOFT GELATIN CAPSULE CONTAINS:                                                            APPROXI MATE VALUES
Cholecalciferol                                                                                                                                          2000 1U
Energy                                                                                                                               27.985 kcal
Carbohydrate                                                                                                                                          0 g
Protein                                                                                                                                       0.46 g
Fat                                                                                                                                            2.905 g

Who can take Steadfast Vitamin D3?

Experts suggest that an intake of 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day is sufficient to maintain adequate levels and prevent any deficiency. But people with minimum exposure to sunlight and athletes who are more prone to developing deficit levels can consume 4000 IU of Vitamin D3 in a day. Hence, an individual can take a daily dose of 1 to 2 capsules every day depending on the requirement

1. Steadfast Vitamin D3 for Athletes: Vitamin D3 levels affect athletic performance. Various factors like season, weather, indoor or outdoor sports contribute to determining the vitamin D3 level of an athlete. A 2009 study at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas found that 75 percent of runners averaging 20 miles a week have low vitamin D3 levels. We would recommend athletes take 2 capsules of Steadfast Vitamin D3 every day.

2. Steadfast Vitamin D3 for the Elderly: With increasing age, the elderly become more prone to developing vitamin D3 deficiency. Studies have shown that the process of conversion of vitamin D3 into its activated form on exposure to sunlight decreases with age. If vitamin D3 levels are insufficient, then it will make them prone to developing cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, osteoporosis, and poor immunity. Hence, a recommended dosage of 2 capsules of Steadfast Vitamin D3 supplement is recommended every day.

3. Steadfast Vitamin D3 for Deficient Individuals: Vitamin D3 deficiency is prevalent across the world. But specifically talking about the Indian subcontinent, the prevalence is 70%-90% in the general population. With limited or no exposure to sunlight and deficit diets, it is recognised as a public health problem. Two capsules of SN Vitamin D3 are recommended every day to bring deficit levels to optimum.

4. Steadfast Vitamin D3 for Maintenance: To save yourself from becoming deficient and prone to all consequences of deficiency, we would recommend that you consume 1 capsule of Steadfast Vitamin D3 every day.

About Steadfast Nutrition Brand

Steadfast Nutrition founded by Aman Puri in 2017 India.To fill the gap between the demands of indians athletes and avilability of high-quality sports nutrition.Steadfast today is a premium sports and wellness nutrition brand, with a nationwide reach through its multiple ventures. We are steadily achieving our goals. From the Olympics to Olympia, our athletes have revolutionised the world of sports and fitness in India. A large number of fitness enthusiasts have jumped on the Steadfast bandwagon. We will continue our journey forward.

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